Friday, November 22, 2019

Final Project: Personal Project

Due on Finals 12/12 from 1:30PM-3:30PM

Create a photo series, digital photo composition or animation on the topic of your choice.  You may use any of the techniques you've used in the class thus far, or use inspiration from them to create something entirely new.  Post it onto your blog along with a statement of your intent, description of what techniques you used and why you used them.

Student Examples
Keri Behles
Jack Dean
Jerry Gilchrist
Lanie Jones
Zane Willard
Kelsi Richardson
Steph Schaffer

Friday, November 8, 2019

Project 4: Animated Collage

Due 11/22

Using your own photos, create an animated collage.  The animation should enhance or give new meaning, theme or feeling to the photos involved.  Must include sound of some kind.  Aspect ratio should be 1920x1080, 24fps, at least 5 seconds long.  You may use any filters, effects, particles or keyed animation as you see fit.  Post the video onto your blog along with a breakdown of your process, thoughts and how you felt about the experience.

Student Examples

Examples of Photo Collages and Animated Photos/Paintings
Nothing Can Trouble You More Than Your Own Thoughts
Laura Matikainen
Jib Jab - This Land is Your Land
Jorge Torrado
Obsolete Oddity uses Photography with simple animations within his stories. 
Animated Paintings 
Last of Us Concept Art was done with photo collages and painting (not animated)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Project 3: Multiplicity

Due 11/8

Create a digital photo that utilizes at least 5 copies of yourself in the same environment.  They should match the perspective, lighting and coloring in the environment.  The clones should be positioned differently (shouldn’t just be 5 copies of the same photo) interacting with the environment or otherwise feel like they belong.  The integration should be seamless.

Student Examples

Related Articles/Artists:
Chino Otsuka inserts herself into childhood photos.
Man Photoshops himself into photos with Kendall Jenner
Photoshop Battle (100 Pictures)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Real Fake Cameras of Toy Story 4

A fascinating video about how the digital cameras in Toy Story 4 were designed to emulate real cameras, and why certain shots used certain 'lenses' and techniques.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Assignment 4: Written Response

Due 10/25

Go to the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts.  Find one piece in the museum that resonates with you, and write a one-page response.  It would help to record the artist's statement and use it to inform your response.  Post a sample of the image (if possible), the name of the artist and your response on your blog.

What is it about the piece that caught your eye?  What part of their technique or approach would you be interesting in possibly integrating into your own work?  What critiques do you have, if any?  What would you have done differently if you tried the same idea/technique/subject?

We will be attending the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts as a class on 10/18 at 11am (when it opens).  If you are unable to make it that day, you may go on your own time to complete the assignment.

Florida Museum of Photographic Arts
400 North Ashley Drive Cube 200
Tampa, FL 33602

Cost: $8 (Bring student ID)

Project 2: Portrait

Due 11/1

Shoot a series of portraits that result in 10 final images. You can either photograph the same person in ten variations, or you can photograph 10 people in single image. 

You may enhance and edit the photos as you see fit.

Post the 10 images on your blog along with an explanation of your process, what decisions you made, what theme, mood or intent you were going for and why.

Artists for Reference:
Nan Goldin
Cindy Sherman
Sharon Lockhart
Alec Soth
Tina Barney - Artnet Profile / Website
Rineke Dijkstra
Diane Arbus
Sally Mann - Artnet Profile / Website
Thomas Ruff (warning: some of the photos are blurred but explicit)
Christopher Williams
Sophie Calle
Robert Frank

Eric Pickersgill photo series "Removed" where he removed the smart phones from his subjects before taking a picture, to emphasize how lonely and strange the world seems.
Photographer Helps to Save Lives of Pitbulls with Flower Crown Portraits

Student Examples
Jerry Gilchrist
Joshua Campbell
Jack Dean
Zane Willard
Lanie Jones
Steph Schaffer
Keri Behles

Friday, September 20, 2019

Project 1: Experimental

Due 10/11

Experimental Series

Two Part Assignment:
1) Review the techniques and artists linked below. Create three experimental techniques of your own and document the three processes on your blogs. You must make use of experimental techniques with the camera to invent these techniques. You may edit the photos digitally to enhance them, but the experiment can't rely only on editing. (Due 9/27)

2) Choose one of the techniques you developed above and shoot a series of 10 photographs that employ this experimental technique. The project is entirely up to you in subject matter and think about how you can use Lightroom or Photoshop to your best advantage in editing the resulting images. (Due 10/11)


Artists to consider:
Vera Lutter: 
Uta Barth:  |
Man Ray: // Rayographs:
Moyra Davey:
Barbra Probst: